I would also guess that the OP's town with over 400 residents as reported on a different thread might have been contributing to all the rampant grouping up by virtue of there just not being enough available housing in town for everyone. Point is, with SP we can lock down particular individual households we don't want doing these things without making global townwide changes. I guess the game itself can be pushing some of these things without NRaas SP, but since inactives don't have to pay taxes under EA standard I'm also guessing it would all be much more random. Or, on the other extreme, the household of four with §200,000 in spare cash living in what is a very small house or essentially a trailer with very low level furnishings when there are better choices available in town. I actually wish these would fire more often, especially when I look at an inactive's income and how much in property taxes they are paying (SP Money) and see that they cannot possibly make ends meet unless something drastic changes. Then there's the moves for financial reasons, meaning moving up to a better class of housing, down to a lower one, or in with friends to save money. Broken Home means they don't like who they are living with (it can get carried away at times and fire too often) and that one can be switched off. SP has a number of scenarios that fire for different reasons. Would it be that painful to make the choices for them, for what I am imagining to be a relatively small number of households, while the rest of the town can do as it likes within reason? I would never expect my own sims' relatives to make good judgements about where to move to on their own, they invariably are going to make poor choices. But now I am talking about placing these restrictions on a small number of your extended family's households, not on the entire town. I bet disallowing the Move Solo and Move as Family stops sims from moving in as well as stopping them from moving out.īut no, then married couples won't move out on their own either. Now that I think about though, I never have sims move into my inactive households that I place in a special Rotations Caste when they are inactives and I am off playing elsewhere, even though some of them have plenty of beds to spare.

But yes, we can't restrict the siblings' household max size, wherever they are living, or they won't be able to have kids. You said that the parents are living alone.

I wonder why I read this thread differently every time I come back to it.